Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In Jesus Name, I Pray

I've passed my CIBTAC exam with flying colours which filled me with satisfaction, nevertheless, my hard work that proved Annie that she has underestimated me. Special thanks to Rain for being there for me to guide me through the preparation for the toughest facial exam ever. Tee hee, without the Lord, there will be no one like Rain who is willing to waste all her time on me as she isn't even my tutor. Such a God-sent angel. Nevertheless, hun and my grandma had been encouraging me while telling me that everything will be alright. Although my grandma was wishing for the best out of me,yet,cajoles from her that failing will not be a problem. Hun, he has been waiting for me to come back from the exam hall to lend a hand in carrying my stuffs ( he waited for me right in front of my aunt's house). Thanks hun. All in all, it all goes back to Lord Jesus Christ for He had been watching over me throughout the examination and well, blessing me with not only passing marks but the highest among my mates. The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not e wanted for 1000 will fall by my side but 10000 will not come close to me..Amen~

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

from inspiration peak

Growing Good Corn

Author Unknown

There once was a farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won a blue ribbon.

One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors.

"How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?" the reporter asked.

"Why sir," said the farmer, "didn't you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn."

He is very much aware of the connectedness of life. His corn cannot improve unless his neighbor's corn also improves.

So it is with our lives. Those who choose to live in peace must help their neighbors to live in peace. Those who choose to live well must help others to live well, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others to find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.

The lesson for each of us is this: if we are to grow good corn, we must help our neighbors grow good corn.

It is possible to give away and become richer! It is also possible to hold on too tightly and lose everything. Yes, the liberal man shall be rich! By watering others, he waters himself.

- From the Bible,
Proverbs 11:24-25


Hello to November and I supposed we are at the edge of 2008 already to realized that some did not fulfill the resolution of 2008? Maybe those resolutions should be saved for the up-coming years and looking back at those months, I've realized that my semester is coming to an end. The future remains unknown to me and like what my friend said: yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is present,so treasure your every day. Sounds lame but it does the trick to eliminate the thoughts of a bad hair day but it doesn't discard the feeling of getting older or well, growing old. I've been looking back at my own posts in m
y blog with realization of how time flies and here I am, 2 years later in Kay Hell. HAHA.. with my final assignments and exams, follow by graduation. Pathetic. Hmm, regardless to how much regrets I have or had, I have to move on because there is no u-turn in life and only if I can. Oh, by the way, I am not being an emo freak here but just as what the theme in my blog is, tyring to unconceal some of my thoughts. Well, I supposed blogs are not always meant to be a long-winded one but a well, meaningful. So, that is all for now because that will be all I could think of. *laughs* so long and goodbye.

Before I end my blog, here is a meaningful quote from some link which I used to visit a lot: www.inspirationpeak.com

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."

Friday, October 3, 2008


I've just realized how time passes by and now it is October already!!!!!!!!!! Gosh,i supposed i have been in kl for almost 2 years now. Besides, the distance between my hometown and I are getting so far. What's more, I always wonder when I can actually step back to that land again or I will never get to. Lol, the question will be : do I want to? Numerous of incidents occurred and it brought back lots of bad memories. Nevertheless, the good ones. LOL, leaving the past = never step back to Ipoh? I supposed that will be running away instead of leaving the past behind. Sometimes, I think leona lewis just rock big time and thanks a lot for her latest song : better in time, with thoughts flooding in my mind these days. Life goes on and I am definately happy with my life now because I am reborn in the name of Jesus as the child of Christ. That is why I am still alive in kayhell up to this day. Amen!!!!! *winks*

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

tagged by wai wai.. tee hee

Rules and Regulations:
1. Each player writes a little blog of 15 weird or little known facts about yourself.

2. People who gets tagged needs to state the rule clearly before hand.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to tag and write their names down.
4. No Tags back!!!!

1. I talk a lot regardless to what topics come up and it will be wayyyyyy annoying for those who can't stand it.

2. I laugh for no reason and that is why I am still alive.

3. Someone like me enjoy to be pampered and love. Warning: do not shout at me for no reason because I am a cry baby *winks*

4. Sweets and white chocolates will be my only solution to put my mood swings under control.

5. The only one I put above all,included myself is God because He has been the one who has guided me through my life.

6. I need at least 6 teaspoon of sugar for my hot drinks like white milk tea. Wonder if I will be diagnosed with diabetes.

7. Have the passion in annoying and irritating people, especially my loved one. LOL

8. I am always thought to be a rather cruel girl for leaving the past and the one who used to love me while moving on my life myself. Living in the past will the last in my list because I've realized how tired and ridiculous it is. Life is just too short for it. So,farewell to my past but whatever it is, I treasure and have it buried in my memory.

9. Don't give a damn how important is parents to a child because I am still alive even without them *winks*. Thank God..(but not to my children in the future)

10. Anxiety gets me on hold all the time and trying hard to get rid of it.

11. Sleep is all I need when I am at my worst,especially when I am sick. A doctor isn't needed *tee hee*

12. Of all flavours, I will only choose vanilla and nothing else because I am head-over-heels for it.

13. I am a simple girl because loving and pampering me will bring me close to you,no matter how hard I am on you.

14. The pillow I had and still have when I was an infant sticks with me every night and without it, you will find yourself in a chaos night. Tee hee..

15. Clicks with people easily if you are who you are. *tee hee*

Here we are and the 10 people I will tagged will be:
2. caryn
3. ee lyn
4. felicia
5. varely
7. sean
8. amni
9. eunice
10.su yenn

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Anyway,a special thanks to Caryn Liew Hui Teng that I have the strength to wake up early in the morning to church at 7.30 am, a few hours after the merdeka eve! Gosh, anyway, I wasn't the only one waking up early in the morning. *LOL* Pity hun that he went along with my plan and he had to drive to USJ. Lol, so proud of him but it was worth it to wake up early in the morning because it was a real nice and funny preach by a man,named, IGNYTE. There were inspirations and very nice songs which is composed and sang by him. I was glad to be able to see Caryn again but too bad, her sister wasn't there. Anyway, the band was really energetic and I saluted to them because my mind and soul was still back in the bed. XD Oh yea, hun and I agreed that Joel (Caryn's brother), is a real cool man. By the way, Joel is going to be a daddy soon!!!!! Hallelujah, praise the LORD. During the service, there were many things which I've realized and am ready to take up the challenge AS the child of Christ. It may not be easy but it will be the very little things I have to get over it as the Lord is always there for those who hope and never give up. Nevertheless, accept and take him in. Oh yea, that day, I received a mail from my friend, have a look :

This is one of the best explainations of why God allows pain and suffering that I have seen..

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed.

As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."

"Why do you say that?" asked the customer. "Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children?

If God existed,there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things." The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start and argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop.

Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt. The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist."
"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I'm here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"

"NO!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."

"Ah, but barbers DO exist! That's what happends when people do not come to me."
"Exactly!" affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! That's what happens when people do not go to Him and don't look to Him for help. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

Dear friends and readers, that was something exactly like this which I've learnt from the church and my church, also from the daily devotion,by Pastor Prince. Lord always welcome us with an open arm and heart but we have to be able to resist the evil thoughts like those the barber has. Those evil thoughts tend to estrange us from our beloved God and faith eventually wavers. Who will we be without Him? Where will we be without Him? It is human's believe that success and miracle came in their way through the effort they put in. Success and miracle came through fate, created by God in heaven. When we believe, we will be able to feel the every joy,miracle and success as neither tides nor waves can stop us. Or darkness will be able to take over the sunshine and no evil plans will be able to bring down our lives. Praise the Lord! Amen~ Have a nice day and to all readers, I truly hope that my post helps *winks*

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finally, thank Lord

For the past few days, I thought of myself to be so calm and fearless when facing the GLOBAL practical exam but it turned out to be a nightmare. Then a man told me that I shall not be acquainted with fear and anxiety(thanks Keith). My practical exam turned out to be sort of shitty but I am well-blessed for the Lord is watching over me. Amen. It then came to theory which I am glad that I am no more be acquainted with fear and anxiety. Hallelujah! Bless shall be the words of God. There is a phrase which I always believe in "i shall not be afraid for the Lord is my shepherd" . Thanks to the daily devotional of the New Creation Church by Pastor Prince which reminded me so much of Lord's words. Besides, also a million of appreaciation to the one who reminded me so much about God by telling me "God will always bless those who hope and try". Thanks a lot hun, for being there for me throughout these and the very beautiful wishes and greetings from you every morning during my exams.He is a guardian sent from heaven *laughs*. Lord, He is always there, protecting and loving me. Regardless to what condition I am in, He made me whole and blessed with the greatest outcome. Praise the Lord. So, this is my badge. I AM A BEAUTICIAN NOW. But more to go. A higher lever of GLOBAL EXAM will be CIBTAC. lol..May God bless me, amen~

Thank you Lord. AMEN~

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The first

Ok, the first? Guess that the day is coming which will be this coming Monday,on the 25th of August 08. I'll be sitting for my very first major exam for my facial+anatomy course, GLOBAL. I am still wondering in which part of the world is the examiner from. Anxiety may fill in me sooner or later, at least that was what I thought but guess what? Hallelujah, praise the Lord. All the arrangements in the exam hall seems to be so perfect with the sink so near to me and I don't have to walk all way up. How happy am I to have seen such perfect arrange made by Him. Ok, time for some revision before my practical exam on Monday and theory will be on Thursday! Praise the Lord again for such blessings. Amen~

Thursday, August 21, 2008


"taken awhile at your blog
she has a new love
and i can leave her fully now
God, bless them as a sweet couple
for his boy is much better than me
his boy can do things which i have no time for them
and they are really sweet
she is in love with him,
i can feel it without seeing her
hey, you two, growing more mature in this love
since there is a guy treating you good,
i will never step in ... is not im scare, coward maybe?haha
but i have much greater things to accomplish

*happy 1st month anniversary to both of you ^^"

Thanks Paul, I'm glad that I'm no more a burden to you. Glad that you've found a new love, someone way better than me? lol..God bless you,boy.
PS: Go ahead for the girl whom you don't know her name..(try to find out her name..will you?)..thanks for everything. don't be shy to accept it because you deserve it.


It has been almost 8 months ago since I created this blog and had it titled "serenity". The grace I used to have and will always have towards God does not waver. Regardless to how time flies, for I believe in Him and His existence that brought me to life. Each time when I'm lost in the maze, I call out to Him for I believe that He is lightening my path when I'm blinded by darkness. It is undeniable that I responded slow in referring my problems to Him, but I believe that He has been anticipating for my request. As I am typing this, I thank God, my heavenly Abah, for every miracles He gives in my everyday life. Because of Him, a blessed child I am and through Him, I learnt the value of "serenity".
With Him in my life, I often feel the presence of serenity in my life. Through tides and waves, I am guided through and sickness is redeemed from my life. "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters" (Psalms 23:2), this is the serenity Abah provided me with. Every little things in life,I am well-guided through. Loved I am by the Lord of the Lords, King of the Kings. As high as the tide can be, my heavenly Abah is the King of the tides.
Things used to be real hard, harder than a girl of primary age could handle which causes isolation of her from the crowd. Nevertheless, caused isolation of herself from the crowd at a certain time. Yet, arms of angel tells that everything will be alright which is so warm and welcoming. It occurred to her when a video clip is well-recommended by her friend "stop and think" as it reveals the indescribable feeling veiled all the while.
Happiness and joy is the only remedy to the lightened path in life. Believing in Him and you'll be bless, not only believe but have faith. For things are nothing without faith. The only thing life tells is when you put everything after Him, including your family. You will not only be blessed, so is your loved ones. Life has never been easy but it can never be as hard as it may seem to be as a smile shows how much you have faith in Him.
It so happened that a girl was once drowned in darkness badly but saved by just a smile. A lighted path she possess through her days,weeks,years and life. Serenity means peace, peace comes from nothing but a smile. A smile that heals. A smile that have the grudge between human erased. A smile that triggers serenity. A smile given from above. A gift from the King of the Universe. :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A series of unfortunate event

It all happened on a fine day when something unexpected popped up and ruined the rest of your day. Regardless to whatever it is, there are time when human just can never bear with it. There are times when it is due to our very own mistakes and misfortune. Life is simply a movie played in heaven and people in it watching every stories of the homo-sapien's. Funny as it may sound, these series of unfortunate event eventually turns out to be a joke as time flies by. Nevertheless, an unworthy joke of one's foolishness. How many of the "actress" or "actor" realize that their action at the very spur moment will be a thing to laugh over in the future? Well, I doubt there will be not many or rather none.
Just like in the movie, we, the "actress" or "actor" and God, the " director". The story line is well-planned but not to our realization and knowing how the story will go. At the age of 18, the unknown revolving around me has just started to introduce itself to me. As absurd as it may sound, I've starting to realized it.For every action of ours, we are well-responsible for it. It may be happening either around us or beyond that. Responsibilities strike as we grow and how free can it be to be the birds fling in the air? Yet, that will be the perception of cowardice. The every unfortunate event that I've been through, I seem to realized how responsible I am towards it. I truly thank my heavenly Father for guiding me through for He is my shepherd and I shall not be wanted. AMEN!~ lol..

Sunday, June 22, 2008


amni darling

inder and i

eunice and i

amni and i
suk wai,amni,caryn,eunice ket en,sue quin and i

caryn and i


sukwai, me, caryn,ket en

bella,sukwai,jo,inder and i

vanessa and i

4 lily
It happens when I crossed some of the blogs posted by my friends. Never did I realized how long have the all of us lose contacts. Reminiscing through the times we have been through,it aches when I left convent earlier than them. Nevertheless, causing me to be apart from them: inder, suk wai, amni, caryn, ket en, sue quin, munis, jocelyn,bella etc(i am sorry if i left anyone out). These girls took up almost 5 years of my memories. Been through the thicks and thin. The misunderstanding that we had and the quarrellings that we have been through.
Life is like a puzzle,when you have completed one,you move on to another. The previous one will be a history,picture to be displayed and told to those coming latter in life. Back to my friends, inder were the very first girl I got to know when I first stepped my feet into convent. We get to know each other in a very funny way indeed. Followed by caryn,vanessa, suk wai, ket en, sue quin, munis, amni and the rest.
The stories behind our friendship is too long-winded to be summarize in here. Nonetheless, the value of it. Does everything I am writing in here comes from my heart? For the distance between us and the wavering connections,yes, every words I said,I mean it. After having parted from each other, a message for each other, even a short one has been hard. Yet, I supposed we still remember each of our birthdays. LOL..
Regardless to the changes we are going through, the friendships we had is another completed piece of puzzle. A story to be told and the most memorable one to be remembered. This post is specially for my close and most lovable friends from main convent,ipoh. Simple words just to tell you girls that, you are not forgotten. :)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

back again

It was day before yesterday when I set my foot in a place called Ipoh again after one year or more. How I see changes in it where fly-overs are built and the newly built buildings around it. What is more, my affection for my school, Main Convent, never change for it left me with the most precious memories. What is more, having get to meet up with some of my close friends brought joy to my two days trip. It was surprising to have the time passed by but these few girls are still the same. As loving and true to me they are, it touched me from the bottom of my heart.
How I realized that I am not isolated and reminiscing the past with my beloved friends. As funny as life is or as absurd as it can be,it has always been wonderful.LOL, hallelujah, thank God, amen. Besides, I was well-accompanied by someone special to me and getting to meet his family members had been my pleasure. As surprising as it can be, truth are to be told and reality to be faced one day. It had been a real long time since I last touched the water in Ipoh and relieved by its freshness. This is the place where I call home and hoping to have my journey ends there in the future. A place where I found what we call life and joy. Amen~

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bless shall you be..

It has been another day like yesterday but slightly differ from yesterday for the things I've learnt and realized. For the difficulties set ahead of me but somewhere in this part of the world, there is someone who is waiting and hoping that I will turn my love to him. In him, I see the love and hope,full of confident that we will somehow be the happiest people in the world. Although I did not turn away from my past totally, I realized that my past is buried.
What has gone will never come back anymore,nevertheless,remember me. Like what my friend said,"the significant one will be the one next to you,never will it be the buried one". For the Christ, I felt reborn and loved. There will be when he came in my life after I am reborn and that will be the most precious gift from the Lord on the 27th of February 2008. It doesn't bother me how long this will last as the present is the most presentable gift. In here I am revealing my deepest thought for today.

"The Lord is my SHEPHERD and I shall NOT be in want" (plasm 23:1)

Friday, April 11, 2008


Sun rise and set, time goes by and days passed by without realization. Just like how I've been attending the beauty course for almost a week now. Anyway,life has been hectic and I am liking the way it is. Taking the unnecessary thoughts out of my mind and forgetting about how alike is life with the roller-coaster. As pathetic as it may sound, my beauty course require my previous biology knowledge to buck me up. Moreover, I am widening my basic knowledge of biology by studying it in details. Hallelujah, thank God that I was of a science stream student. It seems like many people had underestimated the profession of being a beautician with the knowledge they have. However, thank God for being with me and have myself well-adapted to the environment.
Seven months passed by and things have started to change. What is more, not knowing how he is doing or has he recovered from his operation. Life still goes on but I supposed that his will be getting better as time goes by and I'm glad indeed. Opportunity comes once and goes off when it is neglected by us. Yet, as much as I did, I miss him. However, my past will be the most precious gift but my present will always be the most presentable gift from God. In His name I pray for the perfection He did on the cross for us. Amen~

Saturday, March 1, 2008


In the sermon I went for the past two weeks in my church, it is said by the pastor that regardless to whatever situation, our love for God can never be shared. Sharing is neither a sin nor deed for there are certain things which can't be share for human is indeed selfish. In many ways, there are times when human tried to think rationally for people around them and loving them by sharing. However, there are things which human can hardly share it regardless to who and when. The love we have for Lord can never be shared by worshiping some other God. Once a Christian, we are born to be one and have our journey end as the child of Christ. Same goes to the love between Adam and Eve which God made it meant for the both of them only. Some secrets or difficulties are hard to be shared at times between human for those things are not meant to be shared. Some people find it best to have some things unsaid which will be best for all parties. Nevertheless, keep it until the very end of their lives for it is not meant to be shared. Regardless to how absurd it may sound,there are things in life which are not meant to be shared. There is a saying goes "sharing is caring", but how caring can one be when it comes to things which can't be shared? God can never use one rib of Adam's to produce two Eve for only one rib of Adam's can be used to make one Eve.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

ever-lasting love

Just imagine when someone has been out of love for some time and have their embedded emotion flow to every direction. The over-flowing feelings are running out of one's control, filling in every empty spaces aimlessly. How magnificent can things be when love is in the air. As beautiful as it may sound but it never once been that understandable by all. Being justified and questioned by all, what is more, doubted that it will be a true love. Regardless to how worthless can love be at times, its vitalities still live among us. Moreover, wealth and power are incompatible to love which has the ability to construct and destruct things in a blink of eyes.
A robust relationship or love will be of the toughest creation of all, yet, it has been made possible by God. Nevertheless, its undeniable existence for it does happen to all human beings in the planet. I believe that I've mentioned about the story where men and women are destined to leave their beloved family. Why? As simple as to be united with their loved ones or rather, their soul-mate. When one found love, regardless to how long it can last or when the discovery happens, it will be meant to be a memorable or something long-lasting. A true love will never waver regardless to how the earth spins or when the sun rise and set. Love, it is hurtful, yet wonderful. For the beauty of love comes from the pain created in it. There will be the time appreciation takes place and treasure by all pairs.

Ps: a special dedication to my loved one as love is when i love him

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Has anyone never been selfish before in their very own entire life? I doubt as everyone is selfish regardless to how innocent or hell good you are. Moreover, I realized it now how selfish one can be when she or he parted with the one they love for they felt that the love between them is shared. How selfish can someone be when things belonged to them are not meant to be shared. Yet, selfishness leads to heartbreak and losing the one we love and care,nevertheless, regrets. Being selfish indicates pride when pride conquer oneself. From one personal experience, being selfish hurts and tend to be a torture. How long does it takes selfishness to conquer everyone? Regardless to what it is, selfishness will never stop invading human. Moreover, being selfish can never bring you back but living with your memory forever.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

when love is in the air?

When love is in the air, people seem to be so obsessed with it till the extend of forgetting their stands at the very moment. Love does not only look beautiful but it feels wonderful when it sparks. However, does it gets dull as the sparks reach its peak? God knows but for Christians, our love for heavenly Daddy never get dull or fade as it stays in our heart forever. Back to love, love in most people do fade as time goes by but I am truly impressed by lovers who managed to preserve their never waver love. Frankly, there are not many couples in this century who has the ability to uphold their relationship for a long period. There are some people out there who has no faith in love after a heartbreaking relationship which does not seem to help at all. After a long run relationship, when a pair of couple has decided to break up, people always encourage a new start for the individual after a period time.
Where does love stand in the world? Guys do the talking which ends up to no where but melting the heart of girls'. Some talks done are meaningful and meant to be done but unfortunately, it has been nothing when arguments occur. A perfect love can be ruined by some minor arguments which has been saddening. It has always been hard to persevere a relationship but it has never been impossible for our heavenly Daddy created Eve for Adam. Besides, it is also said that all women and men will someday leave their family to search for their soul mate. Their soul and body will unite and become one. God gave power to love and hoping that humans will get hold of it by letting love grows. Love has been everything in fairytale but play a very small role in the reality. Where is the love? How important is love in your life when wealth is everything to one? As funny as it may sound, love has been nothing to most people in the world.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


"I'm sorry for that". Does that phrase sounds familiar? Well, of course it does sound darn familiar. In fact, we practice it almost everyday in our life but does that word healed? LOL, I am doubting that it does. In life, there are many hearts that we broke and the very least we can do is to apologize. However, the apology often arrive late as usual and end up unacceptable. There will be no cure for all the disappointment ,heartbreaks etc by apologizing.
In our life, there are many hearts that we broke but realization has never strike us. What is more, hurting someone who loves us more than anything in the world. It has occurred to me how heartless we can be at times by destructing people's life. As funny as it may sound, but it is the truth. The scars that are left behind remain forever. Whao, the power of love. Scary,does it?
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothin new
I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...

That explains apology. lol..

Thursday, January 10, 2008


It has been a while since I last viewed blogs written by many talented writers especially Kenny Sia. Hence, it occurred to me yesterday an urge to screen through the famous blogs again. As impressive as those blogs were, it was written by its talented owner by making such ordinary title into an extraordinary story. What is more, with all those beautiful graphics in it. It will be undeniable that those blogs are the most visited ones with almost 100 over comments left in it.
Frankly, it will be awesome to have many visitors who visit your masterpiece regularly. There will be when those writers feel really proud of it and have the urge to write more. But again, what impressive me the most is the writer's ability to turn things they see or went through daily into such nice and interesting stories. Well, probably those are the stories which attracted most readers attention.
Regardless to all the issues of the blogging spots,I realized that the existence of blogging spots are not a bad thing after all. After seeing how its existence help so much hidden thoughts to be expressed. As typical as malaysians are, but they are unique in their very own way. They can write stories as interesting as Sophie Kinsella or Nicholas Spark. How I wonder if there will be a day when malaysia's writers hit the international market. *lol*
Bloggings did not only bring up talented writers into view but also creative ones. That will be the greatest gift from God to have blogging spots created. Days and weeks pass by but there are more individuals who are willing to stand up for their own thoughts through many ways besides blogging. That will be the beginning for everything, would it? That is how we grow through writing.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christ live in me

It has been such a blessing to have finally realised that I am not a long or not-loved by anyone. Instead, realisation struck me in many ways since I started to surrender myself and put all my faith in our heavenly Daddy. I am not feeling lonely or lost anymore because He is with me all the time and blesses me in every single way. Thanks Daddy, without you, I am nothing but a piece of living corpse.