Thursday, August 21, 2008


"taken awhile at your blog
she has a new love
and i can leave her fully now
God, bless them as a sweet couple
for his boy is much better than me
his boy can do things which i have no time for them
and they are really sweet
she is in love with him,
i can feel it without seeing her
hey, you two, growing more mature in this love
since there is a guy treating you good,
i will never step in ... is not im scare, coward maybe?haha
but i have much greater things to accomplish

*happy 1st month anniversary to both of you ^^"

Thanks Paul, I'm glad that I'm no more a burden to you. Glad that you've found a new love, someone way better than me? lol..God bless you,boy.
PS: Go ahead for the girl whom you don't know her name..(try to find out her name..will you?)..thanks for everything. don't be shy to accept it because you deserve it.

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