When I was on the way back from dinner, my eyes were set on the dark and cloudless sky. Again, the thoughts of heavenly Daddy crossed my mind. It has been a year since I am living in the city where the sound of the screeching of vehicles often filled the atmosphere. No one in the city knows how beautiful is the moon today or its existence. The life of the city is so chaotic and human has no time to spend a moment to glance at the beauty of nature, Daddy's creation. Each of our life is as wide as the ocean of Daddy's creation and each phenomenon that occurs represent the tragedies in life.As I grow, I have started to believe the miracle of being able to meet people around me. The world is huge and how I'm destined to meet these people in my life. It seems to be a miracle to me which is magnificent as everything that happens around me play its role. There is a saying use by the all of us today: "life is short,so live it to the fullest" but life seems to be a journey to me. A journey which prepare me in my latter life and how I started to realize Daddy's gift for me. How He created me and brought me along the journey of life to where I am today :) Nevertheless, proving to me the beauty of love and life.To all readers, it is wonderful to have someone whom can share my thoughts and I am feeling blessed to have people who paid attention to what came in my mind. Thus, spend some time to enjoy the beauty of nature and our lives. The journey end in a blink of eyes and it often disappear as it wishes to.
LOL..I supposed that I've reach the peak of bottling up feelings. Thus, I so feel like shouting out but there's no one whom I can shout it out to. I supposed not many people who knows that I have a blog here. So I don't really care if people see it. Right now, there's an emotion in me which I've kept it for so long and save it for as long as I can. Yet, it is boiling up. LOL. Not a girl with patience am I? I wonder how can things change after a month? What is worst lost in no where and and have no idea of changes going around me. What comes around, goes around. Sounds very real to me and laughing my head off about it. My heart is seriously too precious to be true and how it is breaking up again. And again. For all the damages that I kept it to myself but I never feel like telling it out. Why? These are too precious to me and I still believe how he will finally made up his mind. Hope against hope but nothing happen but proving me how wrong I am. It has been weeks since things are delayed yet nothing from him. Nothing at all!!!!!!!.. Let me see, how many of us,girls can hold all these for weeks? How many?!!!! Just let me know if anyone out there will be able to hold it for weeks,months or years. Life and love is too beautiful to be true and I've been believing it. Telling myself and everyone how beautiful is love and life. LOL, i'm still holding on to it!! Regardless to how evil is the words from our mouth or thoughts that cross our mind and how we try to prevent it from coming out, we are still human. Someone with emotions and heck, I salute those who are good in bottling up feelings. LOL.. Yet, after all these, I know that my heavenly Daddy knows and tried to be with me. Every time when tears roll down my cheeks, it reminds me of how caring is my heavenly Daddy. Phew, thanks I am feeling better now..lol..Amen~
It has been a while since I chose to look back for the very first time. Regardless to as sad and as painful as it may seemed or used to be, I found myself smiling. There are many of us who chose to move on without turning back but some may chose to remain in where they are, refuse to leave it behind. It occured to me last night on how hard it is to eliminate something from your memory. Well, we are not talking about some science facts or history. Gosh that will be way too easy to be eliminated. Unfortunately, memories of someone whom we adore and love does not leave easily unlike how it is gained. From the moment we chose to leave it all behind or to let it go, there will be no turnig back even if your heart is bleeding badly. As a result, that will be where the scars are left for him or her. From the moment you lay your hand on it, you will find yourself travelling back to where the both of you were. Ouch, how painful will that be? :) Not when you have chose to let him or her go completely. Life still goes on but not with him or her anymore. Yet, the memories of his or her are treasured in one's heart or mind forever until your very last breathe..
Power? What role does this word play in our life? What power is? In what form does power exist? Before the 20th century, power exist in the form of one's empayar and their rights on something. Nevertheless, wealth of one person and I truly believe that these judgements are still in use. It is almost absurdly true that almost every creation of the Lord is connected by wealth. For example, there's a quote saying that "time is gold" but it's not a sin to make use of time. Especially for people like the businessmen, they count every seconds of it. Throughout their daily lives, every single thoughts and conversations of thiers are of gold. When they are in short of money, they will be catagorize as powerless. There'll be nothing they can do and it is true that in the 20th century, money is everything.
However, many of us have forgetten the power of our almighty Lord who died on the cross for us. Most of us are in doubt of His ability to fulfill our wishes but we have never once doubt our sincerity in wishing for something. We have never look up to Him sincerely for we allowed the evil thoughts to live in us : we doubted His ability. When will we realised that He is our power? The lord who created us is our power? Has He ever let His nations live in poverty? No!! Not whenGod promised to bring the children of Israel out of bondage, and into a land flowing with milk and honey. (Exodus 3:17) The devil thought that he could foil God’s plan by putting giants in the promised land to stop God’s people from inheriting it. But God outsmarted the devil. He allowed the giants to build their homes and cities, dig their wells and cultivate their crops until the right time. Then, He brought the children of Israel into the land and evicted the giants! God’s people ended up inheriting large beautiful cities which they did not build, houses full of all good things which they did not fill, hewn-out wells which they did not dig, and vineyards and olive trees which they did not plant. (Deuteronomy 6:10–11) Although the devil tried to prevent God’s plan for His people from coming to pass, they ended up receiving so much more!
People out there, please do not utter a single word which comes in our evil thoughts. He, the almighty has everything well-planned for our success and have our wish granted. What is more, to have us live in luxury. Thus,why doubt Him when He is the one who is behind of our increase? What is more, He was the one who brought up this Earth and filled it. We are in where we are with His guidance and assistance but we never knew as the Almighty is giving us a magnificent helping hand humbly! As long as we have Him in heart, we will eventually discover the miracle that happen to us which most of us claimed it as our very own effort and hard work. There was once when a friend of mine who is a non-christian demanded me to prove the existence and the power of the Lord. Finally,I told him that "You would have to prove it yourself and I can never prove the Lord's power or ability." This is because, the Lord's power and ability is beyond infiinite. For all the miracles and blessings from Him for everyone, only one can be the witness: the individual(herself or himself). I am not here to prove the miracles and blessings God gave me as it is something very precious and need not to be proven. It is as simple as the almighty Lord has the ability and power beyond evrything in the universe
It has been a few weeks since I started to go to church weekly and listen to many sermons. As a result, God has finally be the centre of my life. He has granted my wish by taking me in and be the Master of my life by guiding me through everything regardless to how minor or major the problems are. After all these sermons I have attended and all these talks about our Lord, have we ever ask ourself on how we value Him? Christmas is just around the corner and what is Christmas to all? Some undone shopping spree? The season of exchanging gifts? It seems like we have forgotten the most precious gift in our live: the Lord. He has been giving out a lot by breathing lives on Earth and sending His only son, Jesus to redeem our sins. Nevertheless, bridge the gap between us and Him. All He ever wanted is to have a position is our heart. Yet, we failed to fulfill such simple request from Him. We talk to Him only when we are in our worst and look up to Him when we are in our greatest need. How many of us do talk and look up to Him everyday with sincerity in heart? At this Christmas season, spend some time for Him as a remembrance of all the sacrifices He made for us. What is more, the birth of His one and only son, Jesus Christ.
What's wrong with the world, mama People livin' like they ain't got no mamas I think the whole world addicted to the drama Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism But we still got terrorists here livin' In the USA, the big CIA The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK But if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate And to discriminate only generates hate And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah Madness is what you demonstrate And that's exactly how anger works and operates Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight Take control of your mind and meditate Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all Is this stanza sounds very familiar?Well,it is part of the song from Black Eyed Peas,titled,"where is the love?". It has shown us how we got carried away by our notorious act and end up hurting the innocent ones. One tried to stop other's act but intend to repeat it. Moreover, having grudges towards one and another doesn't put the hatred among ourselves to an end. Nevertheless, tragedies ballooned. Wars occur in every part of the world with human forgetting the gift that God grant us. Worst of all, taking lives of the vulnerable ones. Haven't any of us realised that love doesn't end in loving people around us but to love people whom God loves as well. What is the hatred and grduges for? Hating one and another for some minor reasons but end up draining the rest our lives for nothing. How far can hatred lead us? What is more, where can it lead us to? Open your arms,eyes,mind and soul to others and forgive them to be forgiven. All of us are the children of the Greatest Father in heaven and we are the same. Let's begin from us to help those in need and whom the heavenly Father cares and loves.
Well,it doesnt take me long to start blogging in here (maybe). It has never cross my mind to start blogging in somewhere else besides friendster. Then again,something and someone provoke my desire and here I am. A new place where I would be able to donate some of my thoughts and confession. Anyway,there's nothing much about me for being an ordinary girl who is leading a pretty normal life. Feeling loved and blessed at the same time by Him and people around me. Oh before that,I love white so much,as in the colour. Every objects in the earth goes along with it and life as well. In life, everyhting starts from white as it represents serenity and purity as the Lord brought us here with an innocent thought. What is more, no contamination yet and vulnerable. Well, this is where I will begin my journey from white. To all readers, welcome and thank you for spending some of your precious time in here.