Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ok, don't mind about the pictures, g.i joe was basically mediocre, probably because I was expecting too much. But "the proposal" was one hell nice one and loving it to the maximum, especially with Sandra Bullock starring it. All in all, sort of had a movie marathon, on top of that, was a pretty nice day :) However, I still prefer the transformers *L agrees with it as well*. Was mainly watchign g.i joe for the sake of Channing Tattum. LOL! Tell me that it is normal to have a box of large and regular popcorn with sprites, then, soya, siam mee hoon and cornetto chocolate sundae. HAHA, about the pictures, it will still be something that never cross my mind when I am with L and which it may be something bad and good. LOL!

"Life may be unbearable at times, yet, it will be something you will never regret after you have made it through. Stay tough girl, always stay tough, no matter how sick you are of it at times for He is always there. Always there for you. "

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