nothing much about this little blog of mine but proud to have my thoughts unconcealed. :)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
It will be something really often we see a stray cat walking by the pavement of the road or even a lonely woman cycling around, as if in hope to search for something she has lost.Life revolves us like an orbiting circle that will eventually revert back to its initial position which left us with numerous question marks in mind.However, it was this morning when I was lying awake on my bed, the thread of my favourite songs are formed. Somehow, the thread of the songs make some sense. It will be a KEEP BLEEDING LOVE when you first found someone which I don't think it ever happen when you first see your mom or dad.It then follow by BETTER IN TIME after quite some time of lovey-dovey moments and incompatibility between you and your so-called another half. Then, you will be wondering where were all those sweetie time between the both of you * which i think will be, time to get this solved*Then, the question from jay chou pop in mind: shou hao de xing fu ne? ( where is the promised happiness?). Those happy empty promises made during the joyous time of both so-called love birds.How funny can life be when one prefer to mourn over the one whom hurt them instead of those who brought them to this world. Regardless to the "i can't forget about him or her", "my life is so over without him or her" etc, it reverts back to this when you found a new one or rather the "other half"...Then, there goes the KENANGAN TERINDAH for the PAST!
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