Sitting here I'm thinkin' back
To the time when I was young
My memory's clear as day
I'd listen to the dishes clink
You were downstairs you would sing songs of praise
And all the times we laughed with you
And all the times that you stay true to us
Now we'll say
Said I thank you
Will always thank you
More than you would know and more than I could ever show
And I love you will always love you
There's nothing I won't do to say these words to you
That you're beautiful forever
Al...Always always and forever
You were my mom you were my dad
The only thing I ever had was you
It's true
Even when the times got hard you were there to let us know
We'll make it through
You've shown me how to be a man
You taught me how to understand the things people do
You've shown me how to love my God
You told me that not everyone knows the truth
And I thank you
Will always thank you
More than you would know and more than I could ever show
And I love you
Will always love you
There's nothing I won't do to say these words to you
That you will live forever
Forever and ever(x2)
That I thank you will always thank you
More than you would know and more than I could ever show
And I love you will always love you
There's nothing I won't do to say these words to you

That you will live forever

This song indirectly reminded me of our Heavenly Father as I am His daughter who He will never forsake under any circumstances. ^^

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