Friday, September 25, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
According to a research by unclopedia:
Signs and Symptoms
Initially, there is a tendency towards inactivity, a condition which may take hold of a person for as little as a few minutes, or as long as an entire lifetime. This is often followed by nervous habits, such as biting nails, tapping, cracking knuckles, staring, fantasizing, stalking, denying that you were stalking, tapping, taking a bite out of an already half eaten doughnut you see laying on bob's desk, getting herpes from said doughnut, tapping, scratching, making a list of the order in which you would kill everyone if you were a psycho that would do that kind of thing, tapping, bashing your face repeatedly against your desk while uttering curses and profanities at the clock, and getting fired because your boss thought you were talking about him.
Boredom has been shown to affect the time lobe, the part of the brain that moves time forward. For an individual infected with boredom, time will laugh at you, and make fun of your mom. This simple state of being "bored" may lead to all kinds of complications. While boredom itself is a nonfatal disease, when a person is bored his or her brain is weakened and more often susceptible to more dangerous ailments such as Stupidity (Morbus Stultissimus) and Grammar (M. Verbosus).
- If you or someone you know is suffering from boredom, contact your Scientology Space Opera House immediately.
There are currently several methods for effectively erradicating boredom, the most well known of which are listed below:
- Alcohol/Pot
- Side effects: increase in intelligence and creativity, loss of money, anarchy
- Zombies
- Side effects: fatigue, anxiety, loss of limbs, euphoria
- Masturbation
- Side effects: alchoholism
- Making plans to conquer the world.
- Side effects: masturbation
A vaccine for boredom is under development. So far, all test subjects have turned inside-out. Despite this, the FDA has projected a version of the drug will be available to the public by tomorrow. It is taken in the form of a suppository 10cm in diameter (5mg dosage) twice a day for 3 weeks
The end..
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Power and majesty, praise to the King!
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar,
At the sound of your name!
I sing for joy at the work of your hands,
Forever I'll love you, forever I'll stand
Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
wonder how is he going to explain
for leaving her alone in the shop.. HOHO
she is not anymore.. XD..
LOOK at his BUBBLY face!!!!!
too bad i deleted its picture.. LOL..
Celebration during the day:
her smile made her looked
like a little girl holding a lolipop XD..
Where does the electrifying smile goes?!!!!!
Ok, time for something new though.
I think I'll be sort of like so dead
when she sees this. HOHO..
am still figuring out who was the
camera woman XD..
They both forgot who actually took it for them!
Ok, maybe they should start
taking up DMAE.. *pills to improve
deteriorating memory power*..XD
Oh yea, maybe L needs it too.. XD
with the knife while making birthday wish* LOL!!!
SO, failed!
closing her eyes!
* i wonder what was she looking at
but i supposed she is trying to
double confirm if she should close her eyes while making
birthday wishes or to see if I am closing my eyes or not =.=*
*but she closed hers*
*we were both making wishes
in peace*
Pity ann, who were the
camera woman.. XD
for the morning session..
Ps: took us almost an hour for this session XD
that was what XR said.. Bla bla
HOHO! starter of the day..
to be brief, lobster soup.
but L said that it looks like
some curry gravy.. XD
Note: none of us seem to be covering the bottoms.. XD
teeth shown.. XD
that curls up her arm
Ps: that thing belongs to vicky *tsk
tsk, such exploitation towards
that poor thing* oops,
i am so dead again if they were to see
this XD
Ps: we weren't supposed to be in
black.. XD
how sad. Gosh, the champaign looks tempting
yet, it sucks, according to one of them..
forgotten who.. XD
so, I think i am not missing
anything.. LOL!!!!