Let's get this kicking off with the
funniest thing that ever happen which dated back to Wednesday when Woon was mc. Apparently, QinZy doesn't have any pair of keys with her and I went back early. It all ended up with me have to go back to the shop and lock it all up. So, this was our conversation the day after:
Mr. X: I need the person-in-charge's (PIC) number.Woon: Why?Mr. X: Aiyooo, in case of emergency la.Woon: Yo! What kind of emergency?Mr. X: Any kind.QinZy: Yea, like rats running into the shop * at the same time, writing Woon's number down*Woon: Eh! Lu QinZy! Apa lu buat?QinZY: Damn, almost able to pass the number to him.* skip skip, finally, Woon gave her numer to the vendor*
Woon: Nevermind, in case of any emergency, will tell jane to come.Jane: Yea!!!! Like yesterday, funny, have to come all the way out again. Kesian betui.QinZy: Yea, can we request for another pair of key? Seems like it is so troublesome to be without the extra pair of key.Woon: Why don't you guys call me?Jane & QinZy: Yea right, as if you can fly all the way from cheras.Woon: Seriously, why don't call me up?Jane & QinZy: speechless...Woon: Because, there's another pair of keys in the manager room. Christy passed it back to me before she go.Jane & QinZy: DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don't tell earlier?!Woon: Told you to call me first.*emgee*.....
It had been months that our
laughs never fade and how I hope that it wouldn't despite of the chaos we face at times. Yet things change from time to time as time flies and human never stay the same. Even if there are people who stay the same, the percentage of it is so low that you can hardly come across it. Things flash in my mind pretty frequently when I was left alone and I tend to evaluate the things that happen. The result of my evaluation tends to be a joke on how wrong I am in judging myself. That woman is right about me: Why never you think before you......? LOL! How right she is. Oh well, everyday is precious and memorable for I wouldn't know when will I see Jason reading yellow page while waiting for his wife. Really laughed my ass off.
With all the news on burned down churches, I seem to lost myself after not going to church for 2 weeks. However, when I was taking my shower, confessions kept flooding in my mind. Reasons of me going to church ain't because I want to be in the Lord's sanctuary but because I NEED to be in His sanctuary, in order to keep myself sane. Who on earth care if I were to be burned down together with the church, after all, I die in the arms of the Lord. LOL! After stop going to the church, often enough I have negative thoughts in me again. Instead of moving myself out of it, I tend to indulge myself in it. There it goes when the voice of His rang in my ear. Keep the evil out of your mind and follow the path that the Lord is trying to guide you through. He will never walk with you when you walk with the devil. That the truth is, I am not the one whom I portray all these time. What I am within is the person whom I wish to keep it to myself. How I realized that I have lost whom I want to be. At times, when the down hits one, we tend to date back into discovering who we are. How I realized I am the type who never want things to change, wishing that things stay the same. That I wouldn't have to face separation and lost in life. Then, the other part of me thought: How mundane will that kind of life be. Yet, I am indeed a person with mundane life! Oh well, maybe not all the time but I realized how much I enjoy life to be free from anxiety, betrayed, tears, sadness, heartbreaks etc. But who doesn't? How silly I am to have felt that way. The thoughts come again when there was a time when I need to breakout from these mundane life and to be naughty: going to the clubs, playing around, getting myself into trouble. All these are funny when I look back. How unlike it is of me to be like that. LOL! What I thought of myself all these while turn out to be all wrong and the this came ringing in my mind: Can't you think before you act? HAHA! How I realized I am far from my childhood. How little I read these day which used to be my obsession when I saw Cedric reading. Where does my passion of playing around with the words? *laughs* Ah well, this is what happen when you are trying to observe yourself. When it all come to realization that I am for instance: not the type who loves to hit the club but to enjoy the drink with the music playing. Well, maybe being bad once in a while, or else, how boring can life be. HAHA, seems like I am a full time good girl instead of full time bad girl. But stop, I may somehow reverse the thought to: seems like I am a full time bad girl instead of full time good girl. LOL!!!!! How contradicting is human. Ok everyone, the thing that I am trying to conclude here is: Human in a contradiction to its own kind. LOL!

This is truly
Such a
sexy body of M****..Tee hee..
PS: thanks Marisa, for those
beautiful cakes.
Merits to her friend :)..
Conclusion: Things change even if you wish that it will never, what you can do is to treasure every moments of it. Amen~ Lame! Boo.. lol.. Thank Lord.